Thursday, June 11, 2009

Here We Go Again...

Yesterday, I went to check out Don's article (previously mentioned here), only to be confronted with this:

I then signed into my e-mail to see what the hell was going on.

Sure enough, Scribd Copyright Notice had sent me an e-mail ("Copyright Notification (06/09/2009 - 01:41 PM)‏"), dated Wednesday, 10 June 2009 4:41:00 AM. It read:
Hello, dawwih --

We have removed your document "My Inquiry into the Highgate Vampire Case" in response to a third-party notification or other indicia that this document was uploaded to without the authorization of the copyright owner. If you believe the removal of this document is the result of a mistake or misidentification, please visit our Scribd Support Desk to access the instructions for providing a counter-notification.

For more information, read about our Copyright Management System or contact us through

Please note that under Section 512(f) of the Copyright Act, any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that content was removed or disabled by mistake or misidentification may be subject to liability. Please also be advised that we enforce our policy that provides for the termination of users who are identified as repeat infringers.
I'm certainly going to be appealing their decision, especially as the document in question is under the copyright of Don Ecker! In fact, I previously reproduced his letter of permission here.

This certainly isn't the first time the Manchester camp (or, in this case, Manchester himself) have attempted to "shut me down" in some way, shape or form.

At this point, I can't help but be reminded of something L. Ron Hubbard Jr. said in an interview for Penthouse (June 1983), relating to his well-known father:
My father drilled into all of us: Don't go to court thinking to win a lawsuit. You go to court to harass, to delay, to exhaust the enemy financially, physically, mentally. You file every motion you can think of and you just lock them up in court. The courts, for my father, were never used to seek justice or redress, put to destroy the people he thought were enemies, to prevent negative stories from appearing. He just wanted complete control of the press --and got it.
Sure, the comparison might be a bit extreme, but I feel that one can see eerily similar parallels in the tactics being used.

I'll keep y'all updated on the progress of this latest attempt at Highgate Vampire censorship.


  1. So you support copyright infringement, do you?

    Images found in Seán Manchester's "The Highgate Vampire" and on the Vampire Research Society's website were stolen and used in the document you wanted to share with whomever visits your blog.

    Never mind the defamation and misrepresentation that abounds in that document produced with the close co-operation of a man who has been waging a vendetta against Seán Manchester for forty years.

    Never mind the uploading of a confidential high court document that was obtained through deception by David Farrant and forwarded to Don Ecker whose reproduction of it is in breach of UK law.

    The simple fact of the matter is that photographs exclusively owned by Seán Manchester were used without his consent. That is copyright infringement.

    Seán Manchester is the lawful copyright owner of the identified material from his book and the VRS site. You obviously have a problem with him wanting to recover his stolen property?

  2. Firstly, Demonologist, the article Don sent me was done in good faith.

    He claimed copyright to it.

    No issue of photographs were raised. In fact, nothing was. The report was there one minute, then gone the next.

    As to being in breach of UK law, well, Don's American...

    Lastly, it's a bit rich that you take stock with issues of copyright infringement. I mean, not only are you a plagiarist/propagandist, but your own blog makes use of copyrighted images and text.

    For example, there's the image from the 1979 film, Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht embedded in your "Nosferatu: Origin and Definitions" blog entry.

    The text for "Vampire Children" is taken from's "Ukrainian vampire drugged children and drank their blood".

    Lastly, considering that "S. Manchester" was the claimant of copyright abuse...what's it to you?

    However, you did inspire me to do something, Deme.

    I previously mentioned that I was considering reproducing Don's article on this blog, but due to length, I had to settle for the Scribd upload.

    Well, now I think I'll reproduce it here, after all. Cheers!

  3. Well, well, well. I see that good ol' Sean is up to his usual tricks while hiding behind another identity. Overseer, I do believe you should upload my paper here and to top it off, I think I will upload it to my blog as well.

    I will also tell my reading audience how I tried time after time to get in touch with Manchester to have him on as a guest on my radio show to give his side of the events of Highgate, and the silly games he played with his International Secretary running interference for him. What a total load of brown smelly crapola Sean. After all these years don't you think it is time to "Cowboy up" Sean? Time to be a man and not hide behind somebody else's skirts? Nah, not our good ol' Bish. Well so be it Bunky.

    Don Ecker

  4. Don, I'm posting up your report, as we speak.

    I had to segment it, of course, due to its length.

    Do let me know if they try to shut down your report on your blog, as well.
