Thursday, June 25, 2009

Be Wary of Buying VRS-Related Material from eBay

Lone Stranger rides high again with "Is Bishop Manchester Trafficking with Satanists?".

It tells the tale of an anonymous purchaser who bought a copy of Sean Manchester's The Vampire Hunter's Handbook (1997) on eBay. The buyer noted that the seller was also flogging occult and witchcraft-related materials.

Now here's the twist in the tale:
When my book arrived, though, I was taken aback when I saw the return address was Gothic Press - shipped from Bishop Manchester's home in Bournemouth! Is the Bishop aware of this? If so, how can he deride David Farrant so for having connections with the occult? This seller is auctioning off complete Satanic altars!
You might remember that the Bishop was given a letter of laicisation by Rev. Illtyd Thomas, for not disclosing his previous involvement in the occult.

The VRS have also launched their counter-claims against him, too, but that's another story.

Anyway, back to this eBay thing.

I must confess that I received an e-mail (Sunday, 1 March 2009 9:56:01 AM) from a buyer with a tale extremely similar to the one recounted by Mr. Stranger's informant.

They (I'm going to keep their identity private) had purchased a first edition copy of The Highgate Vampire (1985). Much to their surprise, the book was shipped from, yep, Manchester's address.

And funnily enough, the seller was the same bloody person recounted in Mr. Stranger's story!

Not only that, but I also ended up receiving photos of the package (which I won't repost here, because of the address shown on them), as proof.

The buyer also offered me a word of caution (Tuesday, 3 March 2009 11:57:26 AM):
Beware of Amazon UK, too. Sean sells under several names there, sometimes underselling the prices on his own website!
But, let's get back to the purpose of this blog entry. Why would I advise people to be wary?

This is why.

The VRS and its affiliates have a history of harassment and distribution of personal information if one is critical of them or their illustrious leader, Sean Manchester. Can you imagine what would happen if they got their hands on your home address?

Just be cautious.


  1. These claims are fraudulent and should be tested by anyone who feels the need to do so, including the police whose intervention Gothic Press and Seán Manchester would certainly welcome.

    Neither Gothic Press nor Seán Manchester have ever sold anything on Ebay. Neither Gothic Pres nor Seán Manchester have accounts on Ebay. No doubt this can be verified.

    Someone is making false claims. Impersonation of Seán Manchester occurs from time to time. It has occurred in the last week on a blog the Australian "Overseer" is very familiar with. Now its seems someone might be impersonating Gothic Press.

  2. "Now its seems someone might be impersonating Gothic Press."

    Why "might"? They either are...or they aren't.

    And, as of this writing, the eBay seller, dread_ed, is still peddling VRS wares.

    Not only that, but as Lone Stranger notes, they even had a rather timely mark-down in price!

    Out of curiousity, Deme, and considering you're now speaking on behalf of Gothic Press (as well as the Bishop), do you have any involvement with Gothic Press yourself?

  3. It was not all that difficult to track down the person advertising Seán Manchester's book on Ebay.

    The person selling the second-hand copy of the first edition of "The Highgate Vampire" on Ebay is David Farrant collaborator Patsy Langley of Feltham, Middlesex, England.

  4. You didn't answer my question, Deme.

    Do you have any involvement with Gothic Press?

    Also, how do you know that the seller was Patsy?

    Second, is dread_ed - who also sells VRS merchandise - a member of the VRS or Gothic Press? Especially as items sent from him bare the Gothic Press address?

    Lastly, since you're so keen to reveal Patsy's name and location, what's yours?
