Once again, the Bishop has edited his "
Political Affiliation" blog entry.
Mentions of the BNP have been removed, along with "I drew my statistics and some other information from elsewhere" (the Bishop's spin on his plagiaristic actions).
It's been reduced to the shadow it was before.
If you want a clearer view of his politics, all you've got to do is read one of his recent entries, "
Traditional Values and Political Change". It contains gems like this:
Multiculturalism, adopted as official policy in several Western nations from the 1970s onward for reasons that varied from country to country, is something (in common with Benedict XVI) I find undesirable and inherently wrong. Multiculturalism refers to a theoretical approach and a number of policies adopted in Western nation-states which bear a striking resemblance to communism.
While not noticing the irony in this:
The perfect wedding of Graeco-Roman reason and Christian faith has always been and must always continue to be the basis of all Western culture, which in our day continues to decay because of the wickedness of men.
And there's also this
I would, finally, like to see the present culture of alcohol and drug abuse, gambling, vice, pornography and crime addressed in as radical a way as possible. These topics I have raised and discussed in radio interviews, so there is no need to elaborate further about them.
Which is kinda funny in light of his
embrace (see also: "
Questions Answered...Mostly!") of one of his alleged ancestors, Lord Byron, a notorious libertine:
In the year of my first pilgrimage to Lord Byron’s tomb in the company of The Byron Society whose honorary director, Mrs Elma Dangerfield, suspected a personal connection with the poet, I was still yet to hear from Professor Leslie A Marchand himself whose later correspondence in private about the “records of births and deaths of the lower (servant) class in those days” helped establish facts about the poet and Lucy, my great, great, great grandmother. Byron was seldom without consolation of the female kind and of the various servant maids who slipped between his sheets to keep him company at Newstead, Lucy was far and away his favourite.